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Groupes de Coxeter (finis ou infinis)/Coxeter groups (finite or infinite)
A conjecture on descents, inversions and the weak order , with Viviane Pons, submitted (2024)
Shi arrangements and low elements in Coxeter groups , with Matthew Dyer , Susanna Fishel and Alice Mark , Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 129(2) (2024)
Shi arrangements in affine Coxeter groups , to appear in Canadian Journal of Math., with Nathan Chapelier-Laget (2024).
On the limit sets of root systems of Coxeter groups and Kleinian groups , to appear in Communication in Algebra, with Jean-Philippe Préaux and Vivien Ripoll (2019).
Chains in shard lattices and BHZ posets , with Pierre Baumann , Frédéric Chapoton and Hugh Thomas, Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 9(2) (2018), 309-325.
Small roots, low elements, and the weak order in Coxeter groups , with Matthew Dyer , Advances in Math. 301 (2016), 739-784.
Automata, reduced words, an Garside shadows in Coxeter groups , with Philippe Nadeau and Nathan Williams , Journal of algebra, vol. 457 (2016), 431-456.
Imaginary cones and limit roots of infinite Coxeter groups , with Matthew Dyer and Vivien Ripoll , Mathematische Zeitschrift, 284(3), 2016, 715-780.
On inversion sets and the weak order in Coxeter groups , with Jean-Philippe Labbé , European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 55 (2016) pp. 1-19.
Garside families in Artin-Tits monoids and low elements in Coxeter groups , with Patrick Dehornoy and Matthew Dyer , Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 353 (2015), 403-408.
Asymptotical behaviour of roots of infinite Coxeter groups , with Jean-Philippe Labbé and Vivien Ripoll , Canad. J. Maths 66 (2014), 323-353.
Generalized descent algebras . Bulletin Canadien de Math. 50 (4) (2007), 535-546.
Posets related to the connectivity set of Coxeter groups , with Nantel Bergeron and Mike Zabrocki . Journal of Algebra 303 (2) (2006), 831-846.
A generalisation of plactic-coplactic equivalences and Kazhdan-Lusztig cells. Journal of Algebra 283 (2) (2005), 671-689.
A symmetry of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, with Dieter Blessenohl and Manfred Schocker . Advances in Math. 193 (2) (2005), 416-437.
On a parabolic symmetry of finite Coxeter groups, with Manfred Schocker . Bull. London Math. Soc 36 vol. 3 (2004), 289-293.
Associaèdres et permutoèdres/Associahedra and Permutahedra
The facial weak order on hyperplane arrangements , with Aram Dermenjian and Vincent Pilaud, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 67(1) (2022), pp.166-202.
Polytopal realizations of finite type $\mathbf{g}$-vector fans , with Vincent Pilaud and Salvatore Stella, to appear in Advances in Mathematics (2018)
The facial weak order of finite Coxeter groups and its lattice quotients , with Aram Dermenjian and Vincent Pilaud , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370, pp.1469-1507, 2018.
Permutahedra and Associahedra: Generalized associahedra from the geometry of finite reflection groups (and Erratum ) in “Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures” , Tamari Memorial Festschrift, editors F. Mueller-Hoissen, J. Pallo and J. Stasheff, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 299, (Birkhauser, 2012).
Permutahedra and generalized associahedra , with Carsten Lange and Hugh Thomas , Advances in math., 226 (2011), pp.608-640.
The centers of gravity of the associahedron and of the permutahedron are the same , with Jonathan Lortie and Annie Raymond , Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17 (1) (2010), R72.
Isometry classes of generalized associahedra , with Nantel Bergeron , Carsten Lange and Hugh Thomas , Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B61Aa_ _(2009), 13 pp.
Realizations of the associahedron and cyclohedron , avec Carsten Lange . Discrete and Computational Geometry 37 (4)_ _(2007), 517-543.
Algèbres de descentes, algèbres de Hopf combinatoires/Descent algebras and Combinatorial Hopf Algebras
Words and polynomial invariants of finite groups in non-commutative variables , with Anouk Bergeron-Brlek and Mike Zabrocki , Annals of Combinatorics 16 (1) (2012), 1-36.
Grothendieck bialgebras, Partition lattices and symmetric functions in noncommutative variables , with Nantel Bergeron , Mercedes Rosas and Mike Zabrocki . Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 13 (1) (2006), R75.
Coloured peak algebras and Hopf algebras , with Nantel Bergeron . Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 24 (3) (2006), 299-330.
A Solomon descent theory for the wreath products G ⋊ S n G⋊Sn with Pierre Baumann . Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), 1475-1538.
Generalized descent algebra and construction of irreducible characters of hyperoctahedral groups , with Cédric Bonnafé . Annales de l’Institut Fourier 56 (1) (2006), 1-42.
Appendix: Comparison with Specht’s construction , with Pierre Baumann . Annales de l’Institut Fourier 56 (1) (2006), 43-54.